Best Paper Award for the 14th International Conference on Digital Human Modeling & Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics & Risk Management, in the context of HCI International 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-28 July 2023
Certificate for Best Paper Award of the 14th International Conference on Digital Human Modeling & Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics & Risk Management
The award has been conferred to
Nils Darwin Abele, Sven Hoffmann (University of Siegen, Germany),
Aparecido Fabiano Pinatti De Carvalho (University of Oslo, Norway),
Marcus Schweitzer, Volker Wulf and Karsten Kluth (University of Siegen, Germany)
Sven Hoffmann
for the paper entitled
"Development and Evaluation of a Knowledge-Based Cyber-Physical Production System to Support Industrial Set-up Processes Considering Ergonomic and User-Centered Aspects"
Presented in the context of
HCI International 2023
Copenhagen, Denmark
23 - 28 July 2023
Paper Abstract
"Dynamic markets and constantly changing work practices are causing an increased number of industrial set-up operations on production machines in the wake of a growing demand for customized product requirements. Augmented reality (AR)-based cyber-physical production systems (CPPS) can be used to support complex and knowledge-intensive processes. Resting on a comprehensive ethnographic study, this topic was addressed to identify practices of machine operators in the course of set-up processes on forming or bending machines through a qualitative research approach. Subsequently, a set-up application for an AR-mediated head-mounted display was developed according to a user-centered design approach. For a holistic, objective and subject-related human factors analysis on the handling of AR-based CPPS in the context of assembly or set-up processes, ergonomic sub-studies were conducted. The research work advances the state of the art in the design of digital technologies or CPPS to support operators who are entrusted with set-up processes of industrial production machines."
The full paper is available through SpringerLink, provided that you have proper access rights.